The Morrison and Mary Wiley Library Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 4:00 PM in the Conference Room at the library. Meetings are not held in July or December. The library is overseen by two boards-one set up by the trust from the Wiley family (trustees on that board are: Harold Jehle, Pam Paige, Doug Whitney, Stephanie Colgan & Janelle Meyers) and the township board (trustees on that board are Harold Jehle, Pam Paige, Doug Whitney, Stephanie Colgan, Janelle Meyers, Rusty Koll & Doug Seeley). The meeting for both boards are held at the same time. If you would like to attend a board meeting, please email [email protected].
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 11/11/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:15 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Harold Jehle
Minutes of the October meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S. seconded, motion carried. Policies: Rusty made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Doug S. seconded. Motion carried.
Doug S. moved to adjourn, Janelle seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 10/14/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:36 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley Absent: Rusty Koll, Doug Whitney
Minutes of the September meeting: Doug S. made a motion to approve as presented, Pam seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S. made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Janelle seconded. Motion carried.
Janelle moved to adjourn, Doug S. seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 9/09/2024
Present: Harold Jehle, Pam Paige, Doug Whitney, Rusty Koll Absent: Doug Seeley, Stephanie Colgan, Janelle Meyers Meeting called to order at 4:24 p.m.
Minutes of the August meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Harold seconded; motion carried. Policies: Rusty made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Harold seconded; motion carried.
Harold moved to adjourn, Pam seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 8/12/2024
No meeting. Not enough attendance for a quorum.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 06/10/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:50 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Rusty Koll
Minutes of the May meeting: Doug S. made a motion to approve as presented, Janelle seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S. made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Pam seconded. Motion carried.
Janelle moved to adjourn, Doug S. seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 05/13/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:25 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: none
Minutes of the April meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S. seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S. made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Rusty seconded. Motion carried.
Doug S. moved to adjourn, Rusty seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 4/08/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:54 Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Janelle Meyers and Pam Paige
Minutes of the January meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S. seconded, motion carried. Policies: Rusty made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Doug S. seconded. Motion carried.
Doug S moved to adjourn, Rusty seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 03/11/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:35 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: none
Minutes of the January meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S. made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Rusty seconded. Motion carried. Pam moved to adjourn, Rusty seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 02/12/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:21 p.m. Present: Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley Absent: Stephanie Colgan, Doug Whitney
Minutes of the January meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S seconded, motion carried. Policies: Rusty made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Doug S seconded. Motion carried.
Doug moved to adjourn, Rusty seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 01/08/2024
Meeting called to order at 4:40 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley Absent: Doug Whitney, Rusty Koll
Minutes of the November meeting: Doug S made a motion to approve as presented, Janelle seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Stephanie seconded. Motion carried.
Stephanie moved to adjourn, Pam seconded. Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 11/13/2023
Meeting called to order at 4:31 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: none
Minutes of the October meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Rusty seconded. Motion carried.
Stephanie moved to adjourn, Pam seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 10/09/2023
Meeting called to order at 4:47 p.m. Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Pam Paige
Minutes of the September meeting: Rusty made a motion to approve as presented, Doug S seconded, motion carried. Policies: Doug S made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Rusty seconded. Motion carried. Harold moved to adjourn, Doug S seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 09/11/2023
Meeting called to order at 5:05 p.m. Present: Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Stephanie Colgan
Minutes of the August meeting were approved with amendment noted in Board of Trustees minutes. Policies: Rusty K made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Doug S seconded. Motion carried. Harold moved to adjourn, Janelle seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 08/12/2023
Meeting called to order at 10:06 Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Rusty Koll, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent:
Minutes of the June meeting were approved as read. Policies: Rusty K made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Doug S seconded. Motion carried.
Harold moved to adjourn, Janelle seconded.
Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Minutes 06/12/2023
Meeting called to order at 4:43 Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Rusty Koll
Policies: Doug S made a motion to approve the policies as presented, Harold seconded. Motion carried.
Harold moved to adjourn, Janelle seconded.
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 5/8/2023
Trustee Meeting called to order at 4:48 Present: Harold Jehle, Doug Whitney, Stephanie Colgan, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Rusty Koll Absent: Michelle Armbruster
Minutes were approved as read by Rusty Koll, Seconded by Doug Seeley. No policies to approve. Meeting was adjourned at 4:49 and Rusty presented on Accessibility. The next meeting will be on June 5, 2023.
Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Colgan
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 03/13/23
Present: Harold Jehle, Pam Paige, Doug Whitney, Stephanie Colgan, Rusty Koll, Doug Seeley & Michelle Armbruster Absent: Janelle Meyers Stephanie Colgan called the Meeting to order at 4:57 PM.
Rusty K approved policies, Doug S seconded the motion.
4:59 Stephanie C moved to adjourn meeting. Doug S seconded the motion.
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 02/13/23 Present: Stephanie Colgan, Harold Jehle, Janelle Meyers, Pam Paige, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Rusty Koll Second meeting called to order at 4:28.
Minutes of the January meeting were approved as read.
No new business.
Doug Seeley moved to adjourn, Stephanie seconded.
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 01/09/23 Present: Stephanie Colgan. Harold Jehle, Janelle Meyers, Doug Seeley, Doug Whitney Absent: Rusty Koll, Pam Paige Stephanie called the 2nd meeting to order at 4:56.
Minutes of the January meeting were approved as read.
No business.
Doug S motioned to adjourn the meeting, Stephanie seconded.
The November 2022 Meeting of the Morrison & Mary Wiley Board has been cancelled.
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 10/10/22 Present: Harold Jehle, Doug Whitney, Stephanie Colgan, Janelle Meyers , Doug Seeley & Michelle Armbruster Absent: Pam Paige & Rusty Koll Stephanie Colgan called the Meeting to order at 4:38 PM.
The minutes of the September Meeting were approved as read.
Michelle Armbruster discussed the next board meeting on Monday, November 14th. the number of each type of item checked out, the website numbers for the last month, the number of patrons in last month & how many of each item was checked out as well as the number of ILL, eBook checkouts & number attending in person and online programming. Michelle discussed a donation to EEF and her health.
Doug Seeley made a motion to approve the following policies: Acknowledgement And Disclaimer, At Will Employee Mission Statement, Prohibited Gifts, Purchasing & Records to be Retained. Doug Whitney seconded the motion. The policies were approved.
Janelle Meyers made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Doug Seeley seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.
Janelle Meyers presented information about Chapter 4 Access & Stephanie Colgan presented information on Chapter 5 Building Maintenance.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Armbruster Library Director
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 9/19/22 Present: Harold Jehle, Pam Paige, Doug Whitney, Rusty Koll, Doug Seeley & Michelle Armbruster Absent: Stephanie Colgan & Janelle Meyers Rusty Koll made a motion for Harold Jehle to lead the meeting as Stephanie Colgan is absent. Doug Seeley seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Harold Jehle called the Meeting to order at 4:37 PM.
The minutes of the June Meeting were approved as read.
Michelle Armbruster discussed the next board meeting on Monday, October 10th. the number of each type of item checked out, the website numbers for the last three months (she forgot to include the numbers in the packet, so read them aloud and will include in the packet next month), the number of patrons in last month & how many of each item was checked out as well as the number of ILL, eBook checkouts & number attending in person and online programming. Michelle discussed the annual dinner and her health.
Rusty Koll made a motion to approve the following policies: Division of Responsibilities Between Library Board of Trustees and the Library Director, Initial Ninety Day Period, Minutes Of Closed Meeting, Staff Development & Travel And Conference. Doug Seeley seconded the motion. The policies were approved.
Pam Paige made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Doug Whitney seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Armbruster Library Director
Library Board of Trustees for the Elmwood Township Library District Meeting Minutes 6/13/22 Present: Harold Jehle, Pam Paige, Stephanie Colgan, Janelle Meyers, Rusty Koll & Michelle Armbruster Absent: Doug Whitney & Doug Seeley Stephanie Colgan called the Meeting to order at 4:41 PM.
The minutes of the May Meeting were approved as read.
Michelle Armbruster discussed the next board meeting on Monday, August 8th, the number of each type of item checked out, the website numbers for the last month, the number of patrons in last month & how many of each item was checked out as well as the number of ILL, eBook checkouts & number attending in person and online programming. Michelle discussed that Summer Reading kicked off last week. There were 60 people at the Friday morning program. There was some sort of misunderstanding with Forest Park Nature Center, so there was not actually a program, but the staff & volunteers filled in the time with other things & that Both Pre-K, K & 3rd grade had program/tours of the library in May. We sent home papers for parents to fill out and bring back to the library to apply for a card. Eulail also visited every classroom to discuss Summer Reading. We had nine people apply for cards.
Janelle Meyers made a motion to approve the following policies: Banking Procedures, Indemnification And Insurance, Inter Library Loan, Lost, Damaged And Overdue Books & Meeting Rooms. Rusty Koll seconded the motion. The policies were approved.
Janelle Meyers made a motion to approve the Non-Resident Card figure for the same as the past. Pam Paige seconded the motion. The Non-Resident Card amount was approved.
Harold Jehle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Janelle Meyers seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Armbruster Library Director